Let’s start with a few basic information about myself. I am a Swiss national who previously resided in the UK for a few years. While living there, I was the victim of false accusations from my ex-partner. Unfortunately, the British police didn’t care to investigate and blindly believed the false accuser. By doing so, they ended up abusing me themselves and severely worsened the domestic abuse I was already victim of. Please note that I am also a vulnerable individual due to some disabilities.
Now, why did I decide to publicly share my story? First of all, my intent is not only to get justice for myself but also to shine a light over a broken system that ruins innocent people’s lives without impunity. I hope that by publicly sharing my story and raising awareness to this issue things might eventually change for the better so that no other people shall end up being victims of the same police abuse as happened to me. Furthermore, If I can somehow help lessen the suffering of even just one person reading my story and prevent another suicide attempt from happening then that would also be an incredible achievement worth fighting for.
In addition to that, my story is also a stark reminder that false allegations do exist and that police is expected to have some kind of accountability for their own actions when investigating such circumstances as they might bring life-changing consequences to innocent people. This is something that should never be forgotten.
Now, as for why I have decided to anonymously share this story... First of all, let me to stress out on the fact that I did not commit any criminal acts at all and any investigation against me was always either the result of my ex’s false allegations or malicious police attempts to silence me. I do not believe to have done anything wrong whatsoever. However, being both a police abuse victim and domestic violence survivor, I am not very keen as being known by everyone else out there under these particular circumstances (as I believe it might be easily understood). My life is hard enough as it already is, especially as a guy with some disabilities, without the need for people who are close to me to also know about this horrible situation. My current girlfriend already knows everything that had happened and that’s enough intimate people knowing about it already. I also value my privacy very much and I like to think that my life should be focused on achieving positive results rather than being solely defined by the abuse I was victim of. As such, I will not report my name. Furthermore, if you happen to read about this as someone who also went through a situation like this, I just want you to be able to resonate with my story and know that you aren’t alone in this. Indeed, when further researching similar cases online, I actually came across many other UK-based stories, clearly showing how this is not a unique occurrence. Please remember that being a victim of abuse will never be your fault, even if the abusers are wearing a badge. They are still people like you and me and their abusive actions shouldn’t be justified nor tolerated whatsoever.
As for how to approach this, I will be dividing my story up in chapters. I will be writing a short introduction to each chapter and then quote emails previously sent to the police with additional details. I opted for this approach over rewriting the whole story from scratch because, despite maybe not being the most concise, as I still wanted to point out to the fact that 90% or more of my full police abuse story was previously already shared with the police itself but they always either ignored to comment on my statements and failed to acknowledge any wrongdoing whatsoever. Of course while they ignored all of the meaningful information and discussion points raised to them (about 250 between emails and official complaints/crime reports) they surely didn’t miss a chance to persecute me further based on some of the language I used instead. Because clearly this was the only issue and worst thing that had happened, while almost losing my life (twice) and have my happiness and mental wellbeing destroyed due to all the abuse I was victim of is just a joke to the British police.
Lastly, before we begin, something important to be understood here is that there is a huge difference between police in the UK and other countries. I will try to explain it as best as I can based on my own understanding. First of all, in UK law there is no concept of probable cause. British police acts on mere “reasonable suspicion” alone. This is an extremely low standard which was previously explained to me as 20% or so likely something had happened (where probably cause can be seen as 50% or more and 100% should ideally be a conviction). In the US for example, police can still detain you under reasonable suspicion but it would usually be illegal for them to arrest you without probable cause. Real evidence of a crime, such as injuries, a corroborating witness statement and/or CCTV, etc. can be some of the elements used as part of probable cause. As far as I understand, an unfounded and made up allegation alone should not meet the standards of probable cause but only those of reasonable suspicion. While it is also true that people are supposedly innocent until found guilty, there is a big difference between arresting someone based on solid evidence, such as a black eye for example, rather than a nonsensical panic-induced nonsensical mumbling. To me 80% chances something did NOT even happen doesn’t sound like a very solid ground on which acting on life-changing measures. As such, other investigative options should be considered such as an interview without arrest (also known as a voluntary interview in the UK). This is a huge difference as being interviewed without arrest should always be the case when no probable cause or necessity for arrest really exists. Unfortunately, the British police will often simply arrest you as an investigative measure BEFORE gaining any real understanding whatsoever of the current situation and without ever putting forward any charges as a result. Not having charges brought against you at all (which also isn’t the same as charges being dropped) might sound ideal if you are innocent, but it isn’t in reality as the arrest record will often remain even if the case is dismissed as soon as the interview is over, rendering the whole process completely meaningless (known as NFA in the UK). In practice this means that arrests in the UK are very common and often carried out against completely innocent people in circumstances in which they should not be. As a result of such, many innocent people in the UK are wrongfully arrested and given a police record for life based on nothing more than lies and telling of fictional crimes that never occurred. This is utterly wrong and a severe violation of Human Rights, in particular Article Five of the Human Rights Act. Furthermore, this is also bringing life-changing consequence to people who never did anything wrong as other countries might inquire about previous arrests for immigration purposes since, unlike in the UK, there might be a presumption that at least some evidence of the occurrence of a crime might have been available before actions were taken by the local police. Unfortunately, as my police abuse story clearly attests to, this is not the case at all for most people arrested in the UK and the grounds for arrest can merely be based on the blind belief of a false accuser statement or the police own convenience to “get the job done as quickly as possible” even if it has the consequences of ruining an innocent person’s life forever. That said, I am not trying to discredit any police abuse happening elsewhere whatsoever, but rather simply pointing out to the "lawful" standards on which the police seem to operate in the UK.
Furthermore, when such actions are taken against disabled individuals in a domestic abuse context the result can be even more catastrophic. Unfortunately, I happened to be one of these people. You will now be presented my police abuse story and see what can happen when the police system is so broken that police officers are allowed to abuse people at will without impunity and the consequences of treating victims of domestic crimes as the perpetrators instead. This is a system made up of: “no matter what evidence, someone said something first so it must be true”, “no matter if there is no evidence and other investigative methods are also available, we will walk over your Human Rights, physically assault you, kidnap you, deprive you of your freedom and then give you a false arrest record for life on top of everything else just because we can, without a care in the world if our actions will end up causing long-term trauma to innocent people”, and “we act as police in our country so we will either ignore you or even find ways to silence you should you ever dare to complain against us too strongly”.
So let’s begin.
I will start off by reporting on the circumstances which brought to my false arrest. This is what I wrote when submitting my initial ACRO police record deletion request (August 25, 2021).
“On the early hours of the day 02/04/2021 (April 2, 2021) I was arrested for alleged battery. That night I went to visit my girlfriend after failing to fall asleep a few hours prior. This happened as we had planned to go on a hike in Brighton the following day and I really cared about it, being our first trip together since lockdown started, so I really wanted to be sure I wouldn’t sleep over as it happens I sometimes have sleep issues. Therefore, I have proceeded to go to her place, with her consent and an additional set of keys she gave me before, with the intention to sleep at her place so to get ready for the following morning as I was also worried about losing the train the following day being my address at the time fairly distant from it too. Upon entering, I have initially thought to lie down on the sofa in the living room and wait, but decided then to enter her bedroom instead to let her know I have arrived as a food delivery I have previously ordered was taking longer than expected. When doing so, I have accidentally woken her up by making some unwanted noises and therefore she started to agitate. During the same day we had been to the park and I had lost blood from my nose while there.
At that same moment that she woke up, my nose unexpectedly started to bleed once again. At that moment I have tried to tell her I had come for the hike and was about to go to sleep and just wanted to give her a kiss but the blood coming from my nose interrupted me and forced me stop talking as I was trying to cover it. She later told me that seeing the blood that night really scared her and might have been the reason why she ultimately called the police. At this point the situation started to degenerate. Unable to express myself, I have asked for a moment to let the nose blood stop. Unfortunately, the blood didn’t stop immediately and I have accidentally spilled some on the floor while moving away and desperately trying to reach for the bathroom as soon as possible. In doing so I might have impolitely moved her away, without force or ill intentions, as I was trying to avoid making a mess on her clothing with my blood dropping everywhere. After finally washing my face and utilizing some toilet paper to contain the bleeding, I have then reached for some towels with the intention to clean the blood mess and avoid any permanent stain on the wood material. While doing so, she started to scream and then abruptly left the apartment. I have remained up cleaning the place as I was worried about her flooring getting ruined by the blood stains. I was almost finished cleaning when I have got a call asking to come down to reception where I was expecting to collect a food delivery I have previously ordered, instead I have got arrested by the police which also put me in handcuffs as I started panicking not being able to understand why they would do that while I did not commit any crime. I have then spent the night in jail and only got released the day after. I still have nightmares about the treatment I have endured as I was forced away by the police and hold in a cold cell deprived of my freedom for hours. I have tried my best to forget about it and pretend nothing ever happened, for my sake and the one of my relationship, especially as my girlfriend kept insisting I would not have a record of any kind as I was never charged with a crime I did not commit. However, I have then decided to request my ACRO police certificate and noticed that indeed the record still exists. Because of this I have been experiencing post traumatic disorder to the point I have been experiencing crying outbursts whenever I am reminded of that night, have vomited on the street on a couple of occasions after seeing a police car passing by and sometimes even think about ending my life due to depression caused by it.
In conclusion, me and my girlfriend, we met again the day after the event, and after explaining the situation to her she agreed that she was wrong about calling the police and kept insisting nothing happened as I wasn’t charge. From there on everything has been fine and she now understands what my intentions were that night and admitted that the reason why she called the police was because she didn’t understand the situation and got scared by the blood. Still, my record exists.
Please find attach in this email, a signed letter by her confirming this.
The reason why I am asking for this record to be deleted is because I don’t think it’s fair to have a record of an arrest when a crime wasn’t committed, as both the NFA outcome and attached letter prove. As explained before, this has also made me extremely unstable for the past months, to the point where I have decided to ask for this deletion so I can hopefully finally find closure about it and move on with my life. I am also hoping to study abroad in a few years time and I am worried I might encounter some issues when applying for a visa for studies or future residency in another country. Finally, I am also interested in volunteering work so I would be completely devastated if an arrest charged for a violent crime I did not commit would hold me back from being able to volunteer or help vulnerable people in the future as I also have a disability and so I trying to help others in need is very important to me.”
There was also an attached SIGNED letter provided as evidence in which my ex clearly stated that it was all a misunderstanding.
The result? It took British police over a year (November 8, 2022) to come back to me with a statement saying they won’t get rid of the record, quoting once again the initial false allegations received from my ex partner as motivation for such nonsensical decision, completely disregarding both my statements in the deletion request letter, police interview and the signed letter from my ex.
Please also note the following statements from the police:
“The MPS have a responsibility to protect and keep London safe. […], the MPS do not believe it is appropriate to delete the records at this time. The MPS would want officers to be able to readily access information such as this if there was to be a reoccurrence in the future.”
A reoccurrence of what exactly? A fictional crime that never occurred or the same lies being told and blindly believed by you once again? Either way, as a previous London resident myself, I can tell you I for sure didn’t feel protected whatsoever by your police. Indeed, I decided to end my UK residency as a direct consequence of the police abuse I had endured, also knowing I could have been victim of the same nonsense once again at any moment while still living there. And let me tell you, I wasn’t going to stick around since being assaulted and kidnapped by people wearing a badge isn’t any better than being victim of any other common criminal. Actually, it is much worse as at least criminals on the street won’t write down lies on a police database to justify their “lawful and justified” abuse meanwhile carrying on with their nonsensical persecution in an attempt to silence you.
I have then submitted an appeal to the previous deletion rejection. I am not going to report the content of this letter because it’s a very long document (6000+ words) that contains some very private information too. However, this document also became a full complaint letter to the police. For the sake of simplicity, you will be able to understand what this is all about and my full complaint points when addressing the MOPAC documents later on in Chapter 3. The reason why my appeal letter became a full blown police complaint is because, even though I had previously tried to move on with my life with a simple record deletion without apology, this all changed the moment they forced me to share video evidence of abuse from my ex just to get a false record deleted (guilty until proven innocent). As such, I decided that I was not going to be fully satisfied unless also receiving a proper apology by the police too.
Please also note that by the time the record deletion rejection was received a lot more things happened. First of all, the abuse from my ex worsened a lot, something which I blamed the police for causing as you will soon read about. My relationship with my ex also already ended so I wanted nothing more than being able to forget about the abuse I had been victim of but having those lies staying on a police database somewhere made me feel like I was trapped and unable to move on with my life. It also made me feel “dirty” and resent the police even more for acting on false allegations and keep quoting me as a criminal. The Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard case also just happened at that time and this is what finally made me open my eyes to the extent of the abuse I had been victim of, both from my ex and the police. This is when my language began to change for the worse as I became really angry at the police. How could my abuser face no consequences for their actions while I had a permanent record based on false allegations of a crime that not only I had never committed but was the actual victim of? How could the police be so cruel to not only nonsensically putting me through the worst ordeal of my life on that night of April 2021 but also to keep going on with what I can only describe as “perpetual psychological torture without end” by refusing to delete the record of an arrest that happened on the basis of false allegations alone.
On July 14, 2023 I have finally received my complaint outcome. This is probably the worst document that I have received so far in my life. The lack of understanding of my complaint and the accusatory language used were extremely disappointing. But what’s worst is also the amount of lies and deceit, some of which were nothing short of criminal.
Let’s just say that my reaction at the time was so shocked I completely lost my mind at this point. This is also the moment when I started to become really offensive, rightfully so given the absolute offensive and criminal garbage I was being presented with.
Once again, I won’t be commenting on this document until the next chapter in which you will be able to read some of the quoted text taken from the MOPAC documents.
As for the deletion request appeal, this was finally approved on September 12, 2023. As such, both the arrest record and false allegations were at least ultimately removed from the UK police national database.
Alright, this chapter is going to be quite long as I am also going back to explain what’s missing so far. First of all, MOPAC stands for Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. Its purpose is to hold the MET/MPS (ie. London police) accountable on a number of issues. It is also one of the supposedly “independent” organizations reviewing police complaint appeals. Unfortunately, the reality is that as a government agency they are once again just playing with their own team as the police is ultimately nothing more than a branch of its own government/state.
That said, this is my full police complaint appeal (ie. MOPAC review letter) which should give you a much better understanding of what my initial complaint points were actually about. I believe it also gives great perspective into this situation and the people involved as a whole. This document was sent on July 20, 2023.
“The following request relates to my previous complaint against the MET police for misconduct and abuse, including unlawful arrest, false imprisonment and police assault. I have decided to write down the following statements as I do not want to miss out on any important point or report anything otherwise inaccurate so please apologies for the length of this email but kindly take the time to read it all. I am asking for a review because I am unsatisfied with both the complaint outcome and the way in which I believe it was greatly mishandled.
So this is the situation:
I have previously sent out a complaint due to being falsely arrested for a battery crime which was never committed and the way in which this arrest was conducted. My complaint actually follows a previous deletion request to ACRO which was unexpectedly denied despite evidence from my ex partner herself stating by her own admission on a signed letter that no crime was indeed ever committed and the situation was all just a misunderstanding. This fact, plus the complete lack of any evidence whatsoever of any domestic abuse against her or admission of guilt should have been more than enough to grant a record deletion on the basis that no crime was indeed committed, but unfortunately, it wasn’t. Subsequently to this refusal, I was forced to send a full complaint (later also sent as an appeal to ACRO themselves) in which I explained the situation of the arrest, the way in which I was treated and the dynamics of my relationship with my ex in much greater details. As it was my intention to give a full picture of the situation to best resolve this case once and for all, this complaint resulted in a long pdf document of over 6000 words. Once again, this was necessary to correctly address all of the points of my complaint against the MET organization. This was explained in my initial email to PC Charlie Bulmer 146MR (which I will now refer only as Mr Bulmer going forward) stating that:
“This is a long read which requires more than a bullet point list to be properly expressed. However, it concerns mainly the way in which I was treated by the police on the night of the arrest, the arrest itself and the psychological damaged your force caused to me due to events of that night and the consequent refusal to take out the lies on my record.”
Following to this, Mr Bulmer was forwarded with all the relevant documents to handle this case, including the long complaint letter and newly submitted abuse evidence from my ex partner showing her repeatedly hitting me in the legs with a bottle.
My statement concluded by saying that:
“It is up to you to take a look at any of this or not. However, please note that at this point there is nothing else I have to say about this case and you have all the information you may ever require and more.
I have been seriously damaged by the misconduct of this police force so this is likely to be the final communication from my side for now, for the sake of my own mental-wellbeing.”
This statement was wrongly understood as a decision to not pursue this matter further, which wasn’t the case at all as I was only stating that I didn’t want to give further information on this case for the time being due to the worsening of my mental health conditions as I was keep thinking and discussing this awful matter and that they should therefore instead go ahead and handle my complaint with the information already provided, which I considered to be more than enough already to fully explain the whole situation into details. At the time, I was also scared of discussing more of this topic to the police given the previous abuse I was victim of and Mr Bulmer direct reaction of threatening me to potentially reporting me for an offence under the malicious communications act 2003, section 127.
I then sent following emails to Mr Bulmer, including on December 26, 2022 following a panic attack that happened on the day of Christmas of 2022. None of these new emails was ever read or replied by him, subsequently resulting in the submission of a new complaint form on this matter. Once contacted again, I have then explained to Mr Bulmer that the further emails that were sent happened after experiencing a painful panic episode and therefore to simply ignore them as they wouldn’t add any meaningful points to my original complaint and to refer once again to my complaint letter instead. Despite this, I have continuously reiterated some of my concerns in several many emails sent to Mr Bulmer since March 16, 2023.
In particular, after receiving the official Complainant Report from Mr Bulmer I have raised some remarks about the report itself, which were ignored.
Subsequently, my email of March 22, 2023 to Mr Bulmer stated that:
“I have also once again repeated my previous messages to you in a shorter format in the newer email sent to you on March 16. So as long as you receive and read my initial complaint and further emails sent to you on March 16, 17 and 21 then it's enough information.”
Together with further comments on this matter, including a brief bullet point summary explained exactly what I was complained about:
“To make things very clear and to summarize, the reasons I am complaining against your police force are:
- Being unlawfully arrested on unverified verbal allegation alone without looking at any evidence while my ex was completely unharmed and I was the only one hurt and bleeding from my nose
- Not being asked a single question or my version of what had happened before being arrested
- Being falsely imprisoned when there was absolutely no reason to do so as I was willing to cooperate with the police on this matter
- Having handcuffs used against me in what I consider to be police assault as I wasn't aggressive towards anyone at the time
- Having a police record for a crime that was never committed, despite sending a deletion request already and attaching a signed letter from the other person involved claiming it was all just a misunderstanding”
This was indeed a full list of all my accusations to be handled by the police investigation, most of which were actually not even included in the original Complainant Report despite being part of my original letter complain and subsequent emails sent to Mr Bulmer. To be fair, my own list also missed out on one of my complaint points for the account of medical negligence once no one provided me with immediate medical care after hitting my head at the police station counter due to the stressful psychological abuse situation I was subjected to during the night of my detention. However, this additional information was already included in my original pdf complaint to the police, which I repeated many times to form my official complaint to them.
All of this information was completely ignored by Mr Bulmer, together with following emails sent to him in the following days to which he replied by saying to refer to the documents previously sent to me and to not contact him again.
Many further emails were also sent after this point, all of which were also ignored.
Finally, on July 14, 2023 Mr Bulmer came back to me with his official outcome letter. I kid you not, once I read this document I was completely shocked and couldn’t believe what I was looking at in front of my eyes. The final report didn’t address any of my main complaint points whatsoever, repeated many times to Mr Bulmer in both the original complaint document and following emails. These omissions included referring to the actual conditions and evidence of that night, such as being the only one physically hurt at the scene, bleeding from my nose, the presence of multiple blood stains all over the floor upstairs and on the tissues in the trash (which were used to partly clean it up), my disability, the abuse evidence from my ex, and much more.
None of these relevant information were ever taken into account and, by Mr Bulmer own admission, he did not even bothered to address my pdf complaint as he claimed to not be proportionate given the length of the document. This is absolute nonsense as my pdf letter was vital to comprehend the reasons of my complaint, which couldn’t be briefly summarized to a few sentences due to the further explanation needed, and because these points were repeated to him many times in following emails, including across the bullet point list previously mentioned. Mr Bulmer states instead that his conclusions come from a number of other sources such as: the crime report in relation to the matter, attending officer’s Body Worn Video on the night of the police abuse and previous reports to police regarding record deletion. None of which were considered in relation to the full extent of my actual complaint points and subsequently provided information, therefore rendering the evaluation of these individual elements taken without further context to be an absolutely inappropriate way to handle this complaint.
I will now briefly discuss his findings and explain what points were missed from my original complaint and bullet list summary of March 22, 2023.
“Concern number 1”
“You state that you were unlawfully arrested and held in custody based on an unverified allegation.”
Mr Bulmer replied to this point stateing that an unverified allegation alone is in his opinion a lawful reason to arrest someone. As a citizen of a country in which police need either a warrant, real evidence or probable cause to conduct an arrest, I am very shocked to learn that it is considered to be acceptable to carry out an arrest on an individual which otherwise appeared to be perfectly innocent of the crime he was accused of. Despite this, the problem with his conclusion is that he did not considered whatsoever the full explanation of my previous complaint point, which stated instead:
“Being unlawfully arrested on unverified verbal allegation alone without looking at any evidence while my ex was completely unharmed and I was the only one hurt and bleeding from my nose”
Indeed, none of these real evidence regarding to me being hurt at the scene, bleeding from my nose and the presence of my own blood all over my ex’s apartment floor was taken into considered at all in his reply. This is a huge point of my complaint, repeated many times over, but completely ignored in Mr Bulmer’s final outcome letter. My blood was indeed all over the floor upstairs and on tissues in the trash can, meaning if the police officers failed to report this then they also failed to carry out a proper assessment of the scene, accounting for a further count of misconduct. Regarding my nose bleeding situation, this was indeed greatly reduced already by the time the police officers came to the scene but there was still clear evidence that this had happened. In particular, I remember the arresting officer giving me a tissue later at the police station and, when noticing the blood on it, promptly advising his superior that this did not results from actions taken at the moment of the arrest or consequently to it. Therefore, he noticed my nose bleeding and yet supposedly refused to acknowledge this element as real evidence regarding to the events of that night. Indeed, no further mentions of this instance seemed to be provided by your organization in following discussions, not even during my own interview. Failure to take into account my bleeding and conditions of that night as explained is indeed a very serious account of police misconduct. The fact that Mr Bulmer refused to even discuss this point at all undermines my main complaint reason and potentially a further huge instance of police misconduct in the handling of this matter.
Mr Bulmer then continues with stating that:
“I have reviewed the body worn video and it shows the officers attending were reasonable with you throughout.”
Which isn’t the case at all given the consideration of my social anxiety disorder, which the arresting officers were clearly not trained to handle properly.
One of my complaint point was against:
“Having handcuffs used against me in what I consider to be police assault as I wasn't aggressive towards anyone at the time”
Mr Bulmer considerations were as following:
“The arresting officer informed you of the reason for arrest at which point you begin waving your arms and shouting before swearing at the officers.”
This is both untrue and once again missing out the full context of my previous behaviors that night or my medical condition.
First of all, since the arresting officers came to the scene, I did not show any sign of violent behavior whatsoever (something also repeated in my complaint many times) and indeed even kindly asked the officers to help out with opening a coke bottle I have previously ordered for delivery. I was perfectly calm, non violent and willing to cooperate with the officers but mon one this points were taken into consideration. As for what actually happened after they started to accuse me of a crime I did not commit, my reaction was of absolute shock, and due to my social anxiety disorder, I of course started to panic as I couldn’t believe they could be assuming me of a crime without any evidence and given the full circumstances of that night. Mr Bulmer account of my reaction is untrue as I was not “shouting before swearing at the officers”. For people with a social anxiety disorder put into an extremely stressful situation like this is very difficult to correctly control the modulation of their voice, therefore it wasn’t my intention to shout at anyone. Swearing at the officers did also not happen and this is another lie by Mr Bulmer. I am very confident that no insults were directed towards the officers that night. I might have said something along the lines of “what the fuck” for the purpose of expressing my utter disbelief for what was happening at that time but no insults were directed to anyone’s.
Mr Bulmer then continues to state that:
“You are subsequently put into handcuffs and begin crying and saying you are sorry.”
That’s true, as a person with a medical condition, the nonsensical police abuse I was subjected to did make me cry indeed and apologize as a reaction to the way in which I was being treated to avoid any further violence from the arresting officers.
Finally, it is said that:
“The officers repeatedly check your welfare throughout with the arresting officer PC [redacted] adjusting your handcuffs accordingly and explaining the reason why you were being placed in handcuffs which was due to the manner of your behaviour.”
Once again, this isn’t an appropriate way of handling the situation with a medically impaired person who did not shown any previous signs of aggression whatsoever and is just panicking and overreacting to what is experienced by him as a very severe case of unmotivated abuse.
Another point I have raised in my complaint is that I was:
“Being falsely imprisoned when there was absolutely no reason to do so as I was willing to cooperate with the police on this matter”
Mr Bulmer did not address this point whatsoever. Again, as I was willing to cooperate on this matter there was absolutely no justification to deprive me of my freedom and put me in a cell overnight. This actions resulted in severe mental consequences and recurring nightmares which kept happening for a very long time following to that night’s traumatic events.
As for the subsequent finding:
“Concern number 2
“The police did not ask for your version of events at the scene.”
Mr Bulmer finally fully addresses one of my complaint points. He says that this action, together with the mere fact of unfoundedly being suspected of a crime is to be considered lawful enough to grant the police power to subject an innocent individual to such police treatment, quoting the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as a justification for these actions. All I can say to this matter, providing this is what UK laws actually allow, is that your country’s policing standards are a disgrace and insult to every western developed nation and this way of acting is very inconsiderate, damaging and a serious offense towards human rights. People are supposedly innocents until proven guilty in a court of law, and yet you treat people like criminals on suspicion alone. This is nothing shy of the treatment you would expect to receive in a third world police state country and it is absolutely horrifying that citizens of a democratic country can be subjected to this kind of nonsensical abuse.
Lastly, Mr Bulmer goes on with blaming me for not reporting my ex’s abusive behaviors to the police, despite the fact that the reasons for this fact were fully and clearly explained into details in my original complaint letter and subsequent emails.
Mr Bulmer also wrongly states the following:
“you state that you do not wish to formally report your ex-girlfriend for abuse, but simultaneously want the police to be held accountable for not acting on the allegation.”
This is not what I meant at all. I did not accuse the police or made them accountable for not acting on the allegations towards my ex. Instead, I did accuse the police of enabling the abuse itself from my ex partner to worsen as a consequence of the abusive arrest I was subjected to. The rationale for this was also explained as my ex used this event as an excuse to escalate the domestic violence, reminding me of this instance as a way to keep it happening by threatening me on occasions to otherwise to call the police on me again and accusing me of further domestic violence, something which she said would have been believed to be true given the previous false accusations.
Finally, Mr Bulmer concludes with the following:
“Concern number 3”
“You have sent a request to ACRO to have details of your record removed however this has been declined.”
Mr Bulmer states that any complaint regarding their refusal for deletion should be raised with ACRO directly. I don’t have much to say in regard to this, if not by stating that it is absolutely embarrassing how police in this country can literally ruin an innocent life due to the creation of a record of false accusations but the removal of such false and defamatory information from the system is delegated to a separate entity which takes months, or even years, to rectify such unjust allegations.
Now, due to everything explained as above, my reaction to this complaint outcome was of absolutely shock. It resulted in me sending multiple new emails to Mr Bulmer. These emails used a very strong tone due to the unbelievable outcome I was provided with after waiting for so long and realizing that pretty much none of my complaint points were properly addressed. Then, cherry on top, I noticed that the “summary of incident” as described by Mr Bulmer in the official outcome letter, states the following:
“You were arrested on 02/04/2021 for assaulting your partner. Your complaint relates to your arrest and how officers dealt with the matter.”
I didn’t even notice this at first glance as I started reading the complaint points first, but when I did notice the sentencing of his opening statement my blood literally started to boil. In particular, Mr Bulmer wording stating that I was “arrested on 02/04/2021 for assaulting your partner.” was the final hit which made me lose it altogether. He did not state that I was arrested for allegedly assaulting my ex, he said I was arrested for doing it. This is completely unacceptable. My whole complaint was not just about the way in which the police abused me but the fact that this abuse was unmotivated as no crime ever occurred and as the actual victim of domestic abuse in the relationship with my ex.
Reading such a statement, after years of fighting for my innocence, which was only ever doubted on the basis of unfounded accusations from a person who I proved many times with real evidence to be the actual abuser, was absolutely infuriating and unbelievable.
Due to everything stated above, I believe that my police complaint has been severely mishandled by the MET organization. As this indeed a serious matter to me which had a number of very negative health consequences in my life, including: depression, PTSD induced panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, two suicide attempts and much more, something which was also clearly stated in my complaint letter in order to make the police fully aware of the consequences that their actions accounted to, but once again completely ignored. As said, the actions taken by the police also directly resulted in the domestic abuse from my partner itself to escalate, as she now felt protected by the law in repetitively abusing me. Finally, I still have false and completely made up and never verified allegations of assault on my profile, despite previously requesting ACRO to remove them and providing the MET police with many evidence (pictures and videos) of physical abuse from my ex partner to prove once and for all my actual condition of victim and not abuser (something which I shouldn’t be doing at all to begin with as people are supposedly innocent unless proven otherwise in a court of law).
Therefore, I would like for my complaint to be reviewed and properly addressed in its entirety by a proper organization which won’t once again try to dismiss this case in a “marking their own homeworks” type of situation, so that the police abuse and misconduct that occurred won’t ultimately remain unpunished for.”
Together with the above document I have then also sent a further second communication to MOPAC for further consideration (August 29, 2023):
“In addition to that, after consulting further on UK laws, I would also ask you to add the following considerations to my complaint review. I believe this should be all afterwards. And please still read my initial email wholly before going on with this.
So, first of all, I am going to quote two brief paragraphs from previous statements in my initial review request, for context:
<< “Concern number 1”
“You state that you were unlawfully arrested and held in custody based on an unverified allegation.”
Mr Bulmer replied to this point stateing that an unverified allegation alone is in his opinion a lawful reason to arrest someone. […]
“Concern number 2
“The police did not ask for your version of events at the scene.”
Mr Bulmer finally fully addresses one of my complaint points. He says that this action, together with the mere fact of unfoundedly being suspected of a crime is to be considered lawful enough to grant the police power to subject an innocent individual to such police treatment, quoting the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as a justification for these actions. […] >>
Now, I have come to know that there is indeed such a thing called a “voluntary interview” in the UK. I didn’t know about this being a possibility before so I didn’t exactly expressed my concerns with this particular expression in mind. However, everything I have ever stated by saying the police should not have arrested me and could have asked me for my version of what had happened, before carryout out any abuse, can be precisely identified with this alternative option. However, Mr Bulmer fails to ever mention this as a possibility whatsoever in neither his outcome letter nor any other email correspondence.
Therefore, taking into consideration everything else that was stated in my complaint and emails to Mr Bulmer, such as:
Given all of these and everything else stated before, I am now 100% positive in believing that the voluntary interview should have been the only right and sensible route to be taken by the police when handling this matter, not an arrest.
Furthermore, the arrest did not result into anything positive or any advantage whatsoever over a simple voluntary interview. Indeed, every one of my actual complaint points (as stated in my summary list from March 22) could have been avoided by simply doing so instead.
In reality, all this arrest has ended up achieving is:
This is a huge list of very serious and life-changing negatives, some of which have the potential to worsen over time if the police abusive actions remains unaccounted for and the false allegations on record are not amended. Therefore, I believe a voluntary interview should absolutely have taken place instead and I would like for someone to explain why neither the arresting officer nor Mr Bulmer had considered this to be the best option given the absolute mess this nonsensical arrest resulted into, especially when my complaint to Mr Bulmer pretty much described this other option almost as a perfect match.
Please confirm when this has been received and added for consideration.”
Now, after sending these two very long and very detailed letters to MOPAC, the supposedly independent agency, what do you think would have happened? You can find out in Chapter 6.
For this one, we need to take a step back in time to July 14, 2023. This is the day I received my initial complaint outcome by PC Bulmer, well before the deletion request appeal was approved and before the MOPAC review.
As previously said, on that day I had received a document from PC Bulmer full of false and malicious statements. What I didn’t mention before is that as the result of those malicious communications towards me, I have sent a crime report against him. This was received by the police who “quickly investigated the matter” and then threw the case out after providing a half-baked, informal apology by PC Bulmer supervisor. In the meantime, due to the statements following my shocked reaction, either PC Bulmer or someone else working in the police also started a malicious prosecution against me, ironically enough also for malicious communication. This is a UK specific offense which covers both false and offensive communication. My accusation towards PC Bulmer were due to the false communication in the complaint outcome letter while the allegations against me based on offensive statements. Unfortunately, I am also unsure on whether PC Bulmer himself actually started this investigation as police declined to comment on who reported it.
Of course it doesn’t matter whether it was PC Bulmer or not since it was me against the police once more. So even though PC Bulmer was the one who sent me the initial false and malicious communication, and the police organization as a whole kept abusing me since April 2, 2021 it was me who were investigated for statements which were nothing more than a reaction to the absurd situation I was put in and had the only intention to express my anger and frustration towards a broken police system rather than targeting a single individual. This isn’t always very obvious in the English language since “you” has both a singular and plural meaning. Regardless, I was still the one who ended up being fully investigated. As such, on January 6, 2024, I have received an invitation for a voluntary interview to discuss this issue further.
I found it very ironic though that the police was now inviting me over for a voluntary interview given that all of the sudden this option became available but it wasn’t when the police started this whole situation and no one ever even commented on its existence once despite all the complaints sent so far. How ironic. Too bad this time I am actually not gonna collaborate with you anymore. Why? Because first of all, you lost any legitimacy whatsoever to operate as police in my eyes by abusing me the first time. Secondly, because this investigation isn’t anything more than yet another consequence of your continued abusive actions and a clear attempt to either silence me from pushing my complaint any further and/or a little personal revenge for submitting my own crime report against PC Bulmer himself. But also and most importantly, because I don’t even live in the UK anymore and if you ever bothered at all to listen to anything I have said so far you would know about this since I have clearly already stated in my initial police complaint letter that I was ending my UK residency for good as a direct result of your police abuse, way before even sending any offensive messages to PC Bulmer. Uhm, I guess they missed out on that information too, together with everything else I complained about! I wonder why I am not so surprised about this?
Anyway, as such you should also know that malicious communication is not a crime that can be investigated if the suspect is not ordinarily resident in the UK, which I am not anymore. Now I really have the feeling that no one working in the British police has any idea whatsoever on what laws they are supposedly operating on. Truly pathetic. Besides, I didn’t even commit a malicious communication offense anyway because there was no attempt to cause distress either and the language used was fully proportionate to the absurdity of the situation.
I am now going to quote one of my replies to the police on this matter since I believe it briefly summarizes the whole situation up to that date (January 6, 2024).
“Let me further go into details with this matter. So, from the start, after your abusive arrest first occurred, it was my intention to initial move on from the matter as quick as possible, without even an apology. All I asked was for you to get rid of the false accusations on my name, end of story. I sent a request for it, stating once again that nothing ever had happened, including a letter from my ex stating the same and saying it was all a misunderstanding instead. Again, your abusive arrest was carried out on me without any evidence to begin with, under my ex false allegations alone, with her being completely unharmed and me being the only one actually hurt and nose bleed at the scene. Therefore, not only the arrest was completely unnecessary, unjustified and a abuse of power given I was the actual victim at the scene, but my words saying nothing had ever happened and the very same person making those false allegations confirming it was 100% more than enough to get rid of any false record whatsoever. However, This did not happen. In the meantime, the abuse from my ex grew bigger, as said also as a direct consequence of your own actions, and eventually the relationship ended. Because of everything I have been through due to your abusive police assault and my ex’s own abuse, my mental wellbeing deteriorated a lot. I ended up with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. It was so bad I started to have panic attacks while outside anytime I would see a police car passing by, due to the memories of the night you abused me, April 2, 2021. I would then often feel like suffocating and throwing up on the street in these occasions. Sometimes I literally felt like I was about to die. Then things got even worse instead of better over time, especially after following the Johnny Depp cause I finally realized the extent of the abuse I was previously victim of. This ended up with me trying to commit suicide on two separate occasions. The last time, I was no more than 5 seconds from actually dying and it’s almost a miracle I did not. After all of this and so much more happened, this is when I received the initial deletion request refusal. As you might understand, by this time the police had more than enough to get rid of this false record and I really wasn’t in a place of mind to further explain any of the abuse I was victim of to anyone. But I had to. YOU FORCED ME TO. This is where I had to elaborare further on the relationship with my ex and send video evidence of my ex physically assaulting me on camera. Yes, to get rid of a false and abusive arrest record, which happened under absolutely no lawful circumstances and my ex’s own admission that nothing had indeed happened I still had to PROVE MY INNOCENCE with video evidence of my ex actually being physically violent towards me. It is not normal at all that a guy has to show evidence of being beaten up by his ex girlfriend just to have false lies (already also admitted to be false by the ex herself) deleted from a record when a crime was never committed to begin with and all the evidence (not just allegations but real evidence) since that night pointed out to who was the actual victim of domestic abuse instead. This was seriously the very last thing I wanted to do and completely unreasonable for you to ask of me. Especially since, as tried to explain before, I still loved my ex, even more so at the time of the events happening, since she was my first ever relationship (which happening during a worldwide pandemic made it feel like “destiny”) and I blamed (still do to this day) myself mostly for the abuse due to being too weak and allowing it to happen. I also recognize she has mental health issues herself given certain traumas happening in her past due to her mom while she was growing up, so I did not want her to be liable for her actions, no matter how wrong. More-so since I know she likes traveling a lot, and sometimes feel like this is the only thing really giving her happiness and hope in life (she can sometimes be depressed with suicidal tendencies as well) therefore I will not be the one to give her a criminal record which might prevent her from ever doing so again and potentially killing her. I came so close to death by my own hands myself, I do not wish anyone else the same. All of this was greatly explained in my complaint too but ignored in the way in which I was blamed for not formally making accusations against my ex during the night of the abusive arrest or afterwards (despite indeed ending up showing the video in which she hits me several times with a bottle). Matter of facts, no one ever cared about my nose bleeding during that police abuse I was victim of (despite this was for sure noted at some point during the night when the officers gave me a tissue and noticed the blood on it) so I don’t know what exactly would you expect from me? For your own information, I also literally had bruises on my legs that same day as well and was thinking to just stand up and show this during the interview but then again decided against it given no one ever cared about my blood in the first instance and because of the feelings of love I was still having for my ex despite everything happening. Anyway, this is just to say that everything was simply unbearable later on also because of my current mental situation after everything I have been through. Because of this, I completely lost my chill when I had to send a further appeal for my record deletion and show way too much information which you didn’t need to begin with. Indeed, I don’t feel like I was any offensive on the night your colleagues randomly abused me nor when I sent the initial deletion request, but I definitely was now. Indeed, you put me in a situation which I couldn’t handle anymore and forced me to talk about things and show you things that REALLY worsened my mental wellbeing even further. Therefore, my language did start to be offensive. This is also when I sent my formal complaint as I wasn’t willing to “simply move on” with my life anymore with a record deletion but also requested an apology for everything I had endured that far due to your organization’s abusive actions. At the end, despite my false arrest record being finally deleted, I expected more given all the fuck ups from you and this was now indeed too little and too late. Then my complaint outcome came. I kid you not, this was the most absurd, fucked up and nonsensical thing I ever read in my whole life. Everything that is wrong with it has already been fully explained to MOPAC for a review and I won’t quote it again as it is a very long explanation given how pretty much everything with it was completely fucked up, but it pretty much summarized into:
“We are the police, we didn’t do anything wrong by abusing you, I won’t even bother to actually address any of your complaint points whatsoever and will instead go ahead and accuse you once again in my introductory paragraph of the very same false allegations that ruined your life and caused the false arrest you complained about, because why not, and by the way you are also the only one to blame here because you never formally reported your ex”.
That was the very essence of it. After reading this nonsense, I have then completely lost my mind. This is where I wished PC Bulmer and every other abusers in your organization the worst things in life. To be clear, I was also so shocked and mad that I even sent out a police crime report against PC Bulmer, for accusing me once again of false crimes and worsening my mental wellbeing. And to be clear, this was an actual crime report given how much he distressed me, not just a police complaint, can send you the reference number if needed. Guess what happened to that crime report? Absolutely nothing! A senior officer came back to me the following day saying PC Bulmer was reminded to use the appropriate expressions when handling with police complaint and to send the complaint itself to MOPAC for further review. All of this happening more than 2 years after you initiated assaulted me on April 2, 2021. I would also like to point out that PC Bulmer not only completely messed up my complaint and wrote an absolutely ridiculous outcome, but he didn’t even seem to be professional at all in his job and clearly used language that were meant to upset me. Anyway, somehow it really seems like you keep marking your own homework and somehow you are never responsible for anything even after all the fucked up your police organization did to me. And then here it comes, either PC Bulmer itself or someone else reading my final wished to your abusive colleagues is now trying to have their fun and revenge and abuse me some more. Because of course, you ended up ruining my life and it’s a miracle I am still alive to this day but if I come back at you swearing for what you have done to me and put me through for no reason at all then I am the one who is being investigated for crimes…
Do me a favor, I do understand you are probably investigating this on behalf of someone else, so no insults are directly directed at you, but try to not make this whole situation worse than it already is. Because let me tell you, it is already very, very bad for you at the moment unless MOPAC comes back with a serious apology on your behalf. Your organization is already well known for allowing his own officers to kidnap, rape and dismantle women, in addition to everything else that goes on there which just by reading on the news is something new horrible every few weeks. I have never seen a more dysfunctional police force in the world, and I have traveled a lot. Your government is also completely fucked up in some ways. First of all, the idea that an arrest could be carried out on false allegations alone and without evidence is absolutely insane. Of course in this case I was also visibly hurt which makes it straight abuse, but still completely nonsensical. Oh and don’t let me even started on how I had to prove my evidence showing being beaten up just to have a false record removed otherwise you were going to keep those lies until 100 years old. Or speak to the fact that no one ever investigated my ex, if not for her own abuse at least for straight up lying to your face and even pretty much admitting so in her own words. But then again, I have seen the last declaration against domestic violence from your own government and they only talk about it as if it were only a crime against women and girls (and I quote a UK govt article I have read recently:
“Violence against women to be treated with same seriousness as terrorism under new domestic abuse register law”, https://www.gov.uk/government/news/domestic-abusers-face-crackdown-in-raft-of-new-measures). Because of course this is only a crime that is perpetrated by men against women. Of course. I am actually quite sure if the gender were reversed and I was the woman here you would have gone after my ex way back, never even falsely arrested or abused me in the first place and now we wouldn’t be discussing this absolutely absurd and fucked up situation! But then again, UK is a country in which rape as a crime can only be considered so when is a man with a penis carrying out the act and women by definition of your fucked up law cannot commit rape (If you don’t believe me, just Google it). Let me tell you this straight to your face, I am from Switzerland and I have once lived in your country and many more before and after. I have never seen a more disturbing, disgraceful and disgusting government, laws or police attitude than this. Not by miles. So I am never coming back to there, not for your fucked up voluntarily interview and not even if you were to pay me billions of dollars for a vacation.
Keep up with arresting innocent, disabled men on false allegations alone and having them prove they are actually innocent by all means before doing anything whatsoever about it. Keep up with your government and laws that only consider domestic and sexual crimes to be inflicted upon women or girls by men. Keep up with never apologizing for your own wrongdoing and then come investigating people when they tell you to your face how much of a fuck up you all are and wish you the worst, which by the way is exactly what you deserve. Keep it all up, but rest assure, I am not going to stop calling you life-ruining morons and assholes or stop wishing every abuser in your organization to rot in hell for eternity. You can send me as many malicious communications investigations as you want, I don’t give a fuck. I never committed a crime in my life but I was unfairly abused by you. That’s all that matters to me. I would never even thought about going about insulting you if you didn’t abuse me first the way you did to begin with. Matter of facts, as said before to your colleagues. I always had great respect and admiration for the Swiss police and every other crime-preventing police forces around the world. This does not include your organization, bunch of lowlife fucked up bastards. None of your threatening will stop me from complaining for what you have done to me, including insulting you and wishing you bad things when needed to. And if you think threatening me is going to discourage me from making your whole police abuse case public, well think again; It is only going to fast-track it, I can assure you that!
You should really be investigating the police who assaulted me on April 2, 2021 or PC Bulmer right now, but no instead go after someone who is the actual victim here like your usual. And just so you also know this, April 2, 2021, was the night before my birthday. You fucking abused me the night before my birthday, you bunch of pigs. You have absolutely no soul. And yet, more than 2 years later I still did not receive a single apology from you and instead you are now trying to carry out this bullshit abusive investigation instead. I don’t know if it’s more saddening or pathetic what you have been doing to me since April 2, 2021 to this day but let me make it clear, your organization will pay the price for every abuse you did and are still doing to me one day.”
And also:
“Let me finally add that first you decided to go about abusing me, assaulting me with handcuffs, kidnapping me and forcing me prisoner into your dirty and cold cells, depriving me of my freedom for hours. Actions which caused me to develop PTSD and mental-health related issues, because of the way in which I was treated, all of that just as a direct consequence of your actions. All of this also followed by written lies on my name that you refused to delete for over 2 years until finally proven to you beyond any doubt that I was the actual victim. And tell me what’s happening now? it’s really laughable and pathetic how you were so big and brave and good at bullying me when your two apes showed up and teamed up to randomly abuse me, and yet now you cry because I insulted you a little bit too much? Oh no, look at you, poor little things. You are LITERALLY like the bully in school that always beats up all the kids like he/she wants to and then go cry to the teacher when someone finally stands up to the bullshit. And as you would know if you ever read my full correspondence with PC Bulmer, I was victim of bullies my whole life, I am done with it now. I will never let any of you bunch of abusers lend a single hand on me EVER AGAIN (without having committed a crime first to begin with). No matter what stupid lies someone told you and if you believe the sky is pink just because someone told you so. You being fucking retarded and believing made up lies over looking at any real evidence before acting (such as my nose blood that night, for example) isn’t a fucking justification for anything at all you have done to me so far!
Then, given so, I don’t give a flying fuck that you carry a badge or not, every action you carried on me on April 2, 2021 was abusive because no crime was ever committed by me to begin with hence you did all of what you did on a perfectly innocent person, a disabled one too I might add. Just think if I randomly started to do exactly what you did to me that night to a random stranger on the street for no good reason, just because I hear some lies about them. I would probably be in jail right now and for a long time, wouldn’t I? Having a badge doesn’t give any of you fucking fuck-up morons the right to fucking abuse a disabled and innocent foreigner at will! So yeah, everyone who does so in your organization and like to play big bully and feel like God can fucking die from the worst type of cancer and burn in hell for eternity after they die. I will keep repeating this same statements for how many times and how long as I see fit and until and unless a full apology for your previous abusive arrest and assault is provided to me. Exactly as stated before many times already, I stand by every word I said and I will keep using this language to you no matter how much you cry about it or how much you threaten me. Go fuck yourself.
But sure, if you want to keep continue with this nonsensical investigation, then suits yourself. I am pretty sure that the UK population will be so delighted to know that the majestic MET organization who is absolutely not well-known for some horrible crimes themselves (never done anything wrong you bunch, right?) is spending all their taxpayers money going on carrying out abusive and nonsensical arrests and investigations over and over onto someone who was the only ever actual victim of any crimes to begin with! And please go ahead wasting even more of your resources going after this when you can’t even keep people in the middle of your third world city from stabbing each other!
Clap, clap, bravo!
In regard to malicious communications as per the UK crime definition:
“From Google:
“Malicious Communications is where someone sends a letter or any other form of communication that is indecent or grossly offensive, threatening, or contains information which is false or believed to be false. The purpose for sending it is to cause distress or anxiety to the person it is sent to.”
PC Bulmer clearly knew his summary statements to be false and not just an issue of “correct expressions or terminology” as my whole complaint was literally about the fact of being falsely arrested and assaulted OUT OF FALSE ALLEGATIONS ALONE WHEN NO CRIME WAS EVER COMMITTED TO BEGIN WITH. Something which was repeated to him over and over across many emails which he didn’t seem to remember at all. He is also probably not new at his job so how would he make such a mistake? It wasn’t a mistake at all. He then also clearly did so in order to distress me, as this would be the only explanation given, once again, the very nature of my complaint and everything stated about it so far. And if you were still wondering whether or not it would really be the case that his communication caused anxiety and distress to me… well, you read my reaction to it, right? That is exactly what you are investigating about right now, isn’t it? So therefore, even though my language could have been offensive, I did not use it to cause distress but rather due to the distress caused by PC Bulmer own statements. Therefore, I did not commit this crime but he did instead. Please, if you want to make any real justice for once, stop trying to abuse me for anything that you can randomly try to find as an excuse to throw at me and go after the real criminals for once instead.
If not, then again, you are just keep on abusing me over and over when it all started with me hurt and having a nose bleed and still being treated as a criminal instead of the victim. Now you are doing it once again all over again. Have I not suffered enough for you? Ruining my mental wellbeing, my life, pushing me to have such anger outbursts and depression due to all the stress and pain caused by your abusive arrest and PC Bulmer own statements wasn’t enough to you already?
And as said, I did report PC Bulmer and submitted a crime against him before but no one seriously investigated the matter and I was only told that he was reminded to use the correct language but yet now you are trying to investigate me for something which was literally a consequence of these completely fucked statements instead of just telling me the same as you did with him. Does it seem to be any fair to you? Especially given he meant to distress me and I didn’t meant to distress him. And by the way, I am sure my statements didn’t hurt or upset anyone as much as PC Bulmer ones’ did to me. I literally felt like dying when reading his absolutely messed up complaint outcome and couldn’t stand the psychological pain and anxiety caused by him accusing me once again of the false allegations that ruined my life and you never apologized for believing in the first place. I suffered a lot and yet as the usual I am the one being investigated by you.
You should start investigating PC Bulmer instead for distressing me so much. Or you may also investigate the police officers who abused me on the night of the wrongful arrest (actually only the main one, I think the other one with the beard was kind of nice, he helped me opening the coke bottle when I was really thirsty and needed something to drink).”
My police complaint appeal outcome was received on March 25, 2024.
Unfortunately, my complaint points as reported per the first document were once again not addressed whatsoever.
As for my second document talking about the possibility of a voluntary interview over an arrest, there is absolutely no mention about this by the MOPAC agent whatsoever. Not a single mention or consideration in the whole 10 pages document.
There are even some big inconsistencies regarding to the timeline of events, as these are all the dates that MOPAC said to have taken into consideration:
“I have been provided with a large amount of correspondence between you and PC Bulmer, it appears that complaint headings were agreed on 25 November 2022, however, it is also evident that there was some communication regarding closure of the complaint on 28 November 2022. On 4 December 2022 you confirmed you did not wish for your complaint to be closed but stated you would be responding once you had left the UK.
PC Bulmer sent you the outcome of your complaint on 14 July 2023.”
There was not even a single mention regarding to any of my subsequent communications sent to the police from March 2023 onward, and therefore my actual concerns.
I have considered that maybe some of PC Bulmer’s false statements might have had something to do with it as he stated that:
“PC Bulmer noted within the documentation sent to MOPAC “The complainant made the same complaint months later in which I again asked them to confirm concerns.
The complainant states I didn’t answer 3 emails after the complaint was closed, I asked them for these emails numerous times. They refused to send them, claiming they didn’t matter and then that they had actually deleted the emails. Despite this they will continue to reference these 3 emails which they never actually sent”
Contrary to this, emails were clearly sent and this was proven by sending the full email communication thread to MOPAC. This document showed all the emails sent to PC Bulmer. Remaining quotation from those deleted emails are clearly visible. However, even though some previous emails were actually deleted the point remains that I have made my complaint concerns very clear once again in March 2023 and this was simply ignored by him altogether.
Regardless of this and even if PC Bulmer actually somehow missed out on all those emails and further ones too (hard to believe), those very same concerns were once again fully raised and properly explained to MOPAC a second time as the above document is clearly giving proof of. Therefore, the real reason why they once again failed/refused to investigate on any of my actual concerns is unknown but clearly shows a lack of effort and seriousness in handling this situation.
Indeed, later on in their outcome document MOPAC mostly just repeat PC Bulmer’s own statements, while analyzing once again the same complaint points as wrongly understood by him and without providing any further meaningful remark or explanation on any of the considerations raised to them. As such, I am not going to fully report this document here.
Going back to after receiving the MOPAC outcome, this is what I sent to the police on March 25, 2024, explaining why I was particularly disappointed with the outcome.
“Just for your information,
MOPAC came back to me saying they won’t be upholding my review. That’s very disappointing, especially since they once again did not seem to mention anything of substance that I have told them, such as my ex being completely unharmed at the scene, the bloody tissues upstairs or the unnecessary act of carrying out a false arrest given the circumstances when a simple voluntary interview could have been arranged instead to solve this issue. Instead all they said was that:
“Thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns with MOPAC, enabling us to identify learning for the MPS which will benefit others in the future. During this review, I identified: - Not all reasonable lines of enquiry were considered - An officer account was not obtained, or an explanation provided as to why this line of enquiry was not pursued.”
I am very disappointed and frustrated by their outcome as they didn’t fully address my concern once more, but I won’t be mad at them for this since they are not the ones who abused me in the first place and need to apologize for it. YOU ARE.
Therefore, my next steps as anticipated, will be to indeed take you to court and make this matter public. Again, this is really not what I wanted to happen since I would rather not be known by the whole world as the stupid, disabled guy who managed to be both victim of domestic and police abuse. It is what it is though, I suppose.
Next time I will be mentioning the many points that neither PC Bulmer or MOPAC wanted to address regarding to my complaint (such as why you arrested me and not my ex while I was the only one harmed with evident nose bleeding at the scene), it won’t be in a private conversation with you anymore. So maybe since you never bothered to explain yourself so far, you can then tell both me and everyone else as well why you did not look at the real evidence at the scene including my own blood scattered everywhere and decided to abusively arrest me instead of taking any more sensible approach such as a voluntary interview who could have prevented this whole situation from happening and, so far, two suicide attempts.
And as for PC Bulmer repeated false accusations of “being arrested for assaulting my ex” (as per his own summary), assuming once again I was arrested for committing a crime which has been proven many times to never had happened and completely disregarding my own domestic abuse which I had to endure for over a year and got worse following your abusive arrest… He can still go fucking die from the worst type of cancer and rot in hell. Same applies to any other bully or abuser inside your institution.
Once again, you can keep ignoring anything sensible I have to say about your wrong arrest all you want and keep pretending it was the right thing to do instead of a simple voluntary interview but this won’t change the following:
1. You acted on allegations alone with my ex being completely unharmed showing no sign of any violence.
2. You acted against me despite not asking me a single question of what had happened and only listening to my ex’s voice instead.
3. You falsely arrested me despite I was the only one hurt and with nose bleeding at the scene.
4. You assaulted me with handcuffs despite my panicking was a reaction from my mental disability and not an act of aggression.
5. Your actions were completely unjustified given the circumstances and that a voluntary interview would have been a better and more sensible option.
6. Given points 1-5, your arrest would be considered a criminal act under Swiss law. Therefore, a Swiss citizen, I cannot and won’t be fine with your criminal treatment.
7. Your false arrest had the consequence of worsening the domestic abuse from my ex, as explained in previous correspondence with you, once again proving how it was not only unnecessary but very damaging indeed.
8. You also initially refused to remove the false arrest record despite my version of what had happened, circumstances and my ex’s own signed letter admitting it was all a misunderstanding.
9. Following your police abuse, the worsened domestic abuse (again, as a direct result of your very own actions) and the initial deletion refusal, my mental health deteriorated a lot. As a person with disabilities, this resulted in me experiencing a number of mental issues, such as PTSD related anxiety and depression, eventually leading to two suicide attempts. This means you did not just criminally arrested me, you are also now liable for TWO MURDER ATTEMPTS.
10. As a result of ALL the above, I have started to become more offensive against your institution but was still willing to accept a simple apology and move on with my life. That’s when I sent you my initial complaint letter.
11. PC Bulmer then messed up my complaint, did not properly addressed any of my complaint points and instead once again treated me like a criminal, accusing me of fictional crimes that already ruined my life. And all of this after he was sent a video clearly showing my ex assaulting me as further evidence of my innocence and condition of domestic victim in the relationship. All of which made his statements and false accusations nothing less than criminal.
12. Following my shocked and distressed but proportionate reaction to this new situation, you then decided to initiate a further abusive investigation for “malicious communication”; something that, if continued, should be seen as a direct violation of Freedom of Speech and Disability Discrimination, accounting to Humans Right violations.
Given the above points, the criminal extent to which your institutions acted against me and the life-ruining consequences of your actions, all of my insults and bad wishes are fully justified.
Given your continued refusal to apologize or properly address the situation, this police abuse will now not be discussed in private with you anymore.
The time for you to solve this through a simple apology is now over.”
Finally, there are also a few more emails I had subsequently sent to the police after receiving the MOPAC outcome which just happen to comment on a few paragraphs from said document.
“Oh and let me also point out a few more things from my MOPAC review, such as:
“From my review of the BWV, I agree with the sentiments made by PC Bulmer. It is evident that the MPS received an allegation against you of domestic abuse. The MPS have a positive action policy when dealing with allegations of domestic abuse and officers attended to eliminate any potential risk. PC Bulmer could have further expanded on this point, by relying on PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) which provided officers with the power of arresting you to prevent further harm to yourself and/or others, further the legislation also grants power to arrest to allow for prompt and effective investigation“
You do understand right that what you are saying is that all it takes for you to start abusing someone (call it arrest if you prefer) is for an allegation to be made, no matter whether untrue or any other evidence to be taken into consideration??!???
I swear to you, if I was still in the UK right now I would go to my abusive ex’s apartment right now and make a false call to the police this very same moment making up some bullshit accusations. This way she would also be randomly arrested out of the blues for once like I was that night. After all, why did I have to be the victim of domestic abuse in the relationship and then go through a traumatic experience such as your police abuse itself which ruined my life with PTSD but she never had anything happening to her at all while she kept pretending to be a victim all along and hitting me in private in the meantime as shown in one of the videos already sent to you. I mean I fucking sent you a video of my ex assaulting me and yet I was the only one to ever had his life ruined with a police abuse which you dare to call lawful and justified?!?!
Again, and then you even wonder why I started to go crazy and wish you all to die and rot in hell?!?! Oh no, I cannot get how someone with disabilities could possibly ever go through all of this abuse, almost killing himself twice and then just happens to become verbally abusive towards you… I really wonder how that could ever happen!
Oh and of course also arrest people just because it is convenient for you doing so for “a prompt and effective investigation” because of course giving people who needs to travel for work a criminal record for life on nothing more than unverified allegations alone is much more sensible than inviting them over for a voluntary interview… sure!
Clearly the fact that we are still here discussing an abusive arrest that happened 3 ago and you are wasting even more police time investigating a malicious communications which happened as a direct consequence of your own abuse actions and nonsensical police response should be fucking enough to maybe make you realize a little how retarded and nonsensical your laws are… but then again, It’s the MET I am talking to. You fucking made me sent you a video of my ex beating me with a bottle before your friends finally decided to remove my ex’s false allegations through ACRO… bunch of clowns.
Oh and then there is this other part:
“I have reviewed this footage and agree with the rationale formed by PC Bulmer. It is evident that PC [redacted] provided you with plentiful opportunities to communicate the events of the evening, he did not specifically inform you of the allegation made against you due to its domestic nature.“
So once again, are you all fucking retarded there or what? MET, MOPAC, did you all fucking hit your head growing up and become fucking imbeciles?
What the fuck does it mean I was given plentiful opportunities to communicate the events of that evening when no one indeed informed me of what I was supposedly accused of, as the following line clearly states. Am I suppose to be a mind reader or something? I did not commit any crime that night so of course I had no idea about what false allegations were made against me so how could I have been given plentiful opportunities to communicate something I did not do or speak to defend myself in a situation in which my ex was completely unharmed, I was experiencing some confusion because of the bleeding from my nose and without even knowing why the fuck the police was called to begin with?!??
Really great job there again, all of you.
Hence, yet another reason why I have absolutely no regrets for any of my language used against member of your institutions so far whatsoever and at this point you can even go ahead with your clown circus there and charge me or whatever I won’t even bother with any further communication from you or going to court in your third world country for anything malicious communications related or entertaining any more of your nonsensical bullshits given that so far all of the following was perfectly fine and justified by you:
1. Allowing innocent people to be falsely arrested on unverified allegations alone
2. Assaulting people with disabilities
3. Keeping false allegations on your records for years
4. Ruining innocent peoples lives with ptsd anxiety and depression leading to suicide attempts
5. Facilitating domestic abuse to grow bigger as a result of your own abusive actions
…and more
But oh no, dare someone wish you bunch of abusers to ruin in hell for all the evil you did and of course they must now be investigated for some nonsensical freedom-of-speech human rights violating non-existent crime which would not even ever had happened in the first place if you did not cause all of the above issues to begin with!
You bunch of maniacs, idiots and clowns.”
“Oh and for your necessities of arrest I would like to point that that what I was told is:
1. Prevent further harm
2. Carry on a prompt investigation
In regard to 1., no matter what false accusations you were given, I did not assault anyone or committed any crime, as admitted by everyone’s involved and eventually even yourself. So saying to prevent further harm when reality is no harm was occurred to begin with makes absolutely no sense. Just want to also point out again that my ex was indeed completely unharmed, there was no evidence of any real violence whatsoever and I was the only one hurt and bleeding from my nose at the scene.
As for 2, all you did was bringing me to your dungeon and forced me prisoner into in a dirty, cold cell until the morning. Letting me go home for the night and ask me to attend the following morning for an interview would not had slowed down the investigation whatsoever. Even more so since I was even already separated from my ex the moment your colleagues attended and me and my ex weren’t living together so I had my own home to go back to. as such, there was absolutely no reason for you to infringe on my Human Rights by taking my freedom away like you did. That’s abuse.”
Having a badge doesn’t give you the right to abuse innocent disabled people at will. There are consequences to your actions.
“On your initial deletion refusal you stated that you wanted to keep the false record “in case of a reoccurrence”. Then when I said in my complaint that my ex used to threaten me with further false calls to the police/false allegations you said that this is not on you as per PC Bulmer statements that there were no misconducts from the police. And yet this was indeed just one of the many consequences of your actions which worsened the domestic abuse I was victim of and eventually brought me to two suicide attempts.
Nothing of which you even bothered to apologize for, while also keeping lies on my name and treating me like a criminal for years… even after some of your own colleagues finally admitted no crime ever occurred as per the PNC deletion appeal.”
“You know what’s the only difference between your organization and my ex partner? She never assaulted me with handcuffs or forced me in a cell. You did it and that’s assault and a very serious offense of false imprisonment since I was innocent and committed no crime. You had other options to investigate the false allegations against me, such as a voluntary interview. By conducting a completely unnecessary arrest and acting the way you did you committed a crime against Human Rights (Article 5). And if that wasn’t enough you even kept lies on my name for years on a police database saying I was a domestic abuser. Oh yeah, that too is something my ex never had the power of doing.
And you wonder why I told you that I hope you all end up burning in hell for your actions? If you don’t understand that physically and psychologically abusing people and ruining innocent people’s life is a big issue then it’s your problem. I am not going to shut up about this until the day I receive an apology.”
I want to put emphasis on the fact that my suicide attempts were nothing short of murder attempts by the British police in London following to their continued abuse. As such, they should be fully liable for it.
“Once again, I will make sure to stress the point that the MET police in London murdered me [should I ever be successful at a suicide attempt]. Your police abuse is on you and you only and even my ex starting to abuse me more following your false arrest is clearly a consequence of such. Therefore, my death won’t be a tragic event, but the direct result of your acts. It is on you and you only. […]”
“[…] Because of your abusive arrest based on false allegations alone and refusing to delete lies on my name eventually psychologically damaged me enough to achieve that goal anyway. Or maybe it was the worsened domestic abuse following your actions? I still remember when I received the first record deletion outcome being told that the police would have been interested in knowing if there was a “reoccurrence” based on the lies previously told my by ex. So I guess my ex was perfectly right threatening me over and over again during her own abuse to falsely call the police on me again saying you would blindly believe her once more. You admitted it yourself after all, all you were waiting for was for a situation like this to happen again to have even further excuses to abuse me some more; […]”
“[…] which means that If I had ever fought back her abuse, she would have called you again and falsely had me arrested once more.
So I had to endure ever growing abuse thanks to your actions which empowered her to abuse me more and more over time and escalated the situation.
And you dare to call your abuse lawful and justified? Being wrongfully arrested based on false allegations alone which just resulted in psychological trauma due to your own actions and subsequent worsened domestic violence is supposedly lawful and justified in your police state, human rights violating third world country?
And on top of all the abuse I had to endure from your colleagues and my ex, you even dare to come back to me after I complaint of being abusively detained under false allegations alone once again accusing me of made up offenses and throwing false and malicious statements at me like if this was all a joke to you? And for something I was the only actual victim of and to a much greater extent thanks to you all?
Oh yeah. I wonder how I could ever be so offensive towards PC Bulmer and the rest of you.
You have no idea how close you came to people dying by ways of your actions. The fact I failed two suicide attempts so far is truly a miracle.
You can still be sure I am not going to be silenced and I am now going to make this situation public by Summer end no matter how many malicious investigations you start against me.”
“I have recently submitted a new crime report against PC Bulmer for his own false and malicious statements on the complaint outcome received on July 14, 2023. His statements clearly amount to malicious communications as per the definition of this offense in UK law regarding to sending a false communication. The fact that you are still not even bothering to investigate him but keep investigating me instead is rather ironic considering I would not have reacted the way I did and would not keep insulting him to this day if he didn’t include such a malicious lie in the summary of a complaint which was all about being arrested as an innocent person but instead receiving back false allegations saying a fictional crime was ever committed by me once again (after also seeing video evidence of my ex being the one assaulting me on camera and not even being shy about it).
But then again, you only use malicious communications as an offense to silence people you don’t want to keep talking and not actual malicious statements, don’t you?
After all I was also the only person ever assault on April 2, 2021 due to the false lies from my completely unharmed ex and the reaction from YOUR police officers to assault me. Then you go about it saying “it was for your safety too to prevent further harm”. Oh the irony again. So assault is not a crime if committed by the police clearly and being falsely accused of it without any evidence whatsoever is enough for you to keep treating innocent people like criminals without end. And you consider yourself a first world country? You are a disgrace to any sane police force anywhere else in the world calling yourself that title and then keep behaving like criminals without end, assaulting people, writing down lies on their names, sending malicious communications and then trying to silence them on top of everything. All of which while also facilitating real and documented domestic abuse to happen and worsen as a direct consequence of YOUR actions. Bonus points for also not giving an absolute shit about pushing innocents disabled individuals to commit suicide twice after completely ruining their mental-wellbeing and lives for no reason.
Your police standards are not far off those of North Korea. Bunch of third world countries police state nazis. That’s what you are. Nazis. Not police.
Say I assaulted someone instead od admitting you did as per the definition of assault in your law. Say I sent malicious communications even though it was (and still is) just a reaction to receiving actual malicious statements on official documents following to an already absolutely nonsensical situation that YOU began on April 2, 2021. Well done again, great job not fighting any crimes as always.”
“And just to point the obvious out again.
I was already trying with move on with my life many times already but you prevented me from doing so, made my PTSD worse and kept abusing me more each time.
I was trying to move on when I sent my initial deletion request to ACRO on a calm tone, which you rejected, forcing me to send you abuse evidence from my ex and changing my tone to not so nice anymore.
Then you finally decided to remove those false allegations from my PNC, but not before once again accusing me of fictional crimes on official documents as part of a complaint outcome which didn’t even properly address any of my concerns. Hence resulting in my strong but absolutely appropriate reaction.
Once again not happy of your continued fuck ups, you then started a new investigation for malicious communications which as said resulted as a mere consequence of your own initial abusive and unnecessary arrest + refusal to delete false allegations + refusal to apologize + repeated false statements on official documents.”
“Given that you also never bothered to privately discuss these further points with me and your police abuse is now going to be made public for everyone to read, please do me the favor of publicly explaining how in your fucked up mind destroying an innocent person’s life (someone who is also vulnerable due to his disabilities) is all fair and square and why on Earth walking over human rights under false allegations alone and without any actual evidence or sign of any violence to the false accuser is perfectly acceptable to you all. That and then also keep treating people who were only ever falsely accused like real criminals even after receiving tons of evidence proving to both their innocence and condition of actual victim of any abuse to begin with, including your own.
Oh and then maybe also explain how you are so big and strong when it comes to assault disabled people but cannot take any offense whatsoever once being told to fucking burn in hell as the result of your repeated police abuse, worsened domestic abuse following your misconducts and false and malicious statements on top of everything else.”
“People are supposedly innocent unless proven guilty not the opposite, you bunch of psychopaths. You cannot come and start abusing me out of false allegations alone without giving a shit I am the only one hurt with nose bleeding while my ex is completely unharmed! You cannot start assaulting me when panicking due to my social anxiety disorder and your nonsensical decision of arresting me when no crime was ever committed to begin with instead of asking me to attend a voluntary interview the following day to let you investigate this matter in a reasonable way! You cannot throw me in a police van and kidnap me to your police station where you also make me wait outside in the cold for over an hour before letting me inside to be your prisoner into your dungeon! You cannot see me hit my head on the counter due to the ordeal and nonsensical situation you are putting me through for no good reason and still continue your abuse without consideration, even after telling you I will be committing suicide as a consequence of what you are doing to me! You cannot listen to my interview and even receive a signed letter from my ex saying nothing actually happened and yet still refuse to delete a false offense record from my pnc until being sent video evidence of my ex beating me up! You cannot do all of this and destroy my life for no reason giving me ptsd anxiety and depression (as disabled and a vulnerable person too) eventually bringing me to commit two suicide attempts as a result of your police abuse and worsened domestic abuse from my ex thanks to your false arrest! You cannot completely mess up my police complaint, saying things such as my arrest was lawful and justified (nothing you did was!), blaming me for not formally reporting my ex’s own abuse, talking through your complaint outcome as if my ex was the victim and I am a domestic abuser and then even proceed to claim I was arrested for committing a crime I have never committed but was the actual victim of, for over a year no less! You cannot then start an investigation for malicious communications after I finally cannot take any of your bullshit anymore and end up telling you to go to hell as if you did not do anything worth of an apology whatsoever and ruining my life was all fair and square but wishing you the worst after two suicide attempts and all the pain and suffering I had endured on a daily basis for the past 3 years was the real crime being committed! […]”
“[…] You are done walking over human rights as it pleases you. You are done abusing vulnerable and disabled people. You are done playing God without impunity. Everyone will know of your criminal behaviors and attempts to silence victims of your police abuse throughout repeated threats. […]”
“[…] I told you, I won’t fucking be silenced.
No matter whether it is acceptable for police in your country to abuse innocent people on false allegations alone and keep treating them as criminals.
It is not legal where I am from and I won’t let you walk over my human rights. Not by falsely arresting me. Not by physically assaulting me. Not by kidnapping me. Not by wrongfully imprisoning me. Not by maliciously accusing me of fictional crimes I was the only ever victim of over and over. Not by your attempts to scare me with any freedom of speech violating investigations.
Fuck you, bunch of abusers.”
In June 2024, I have requested my own Data from the police to be able to better prove the full extend of the police abuse I was victim of and the amount of lies and deceit used in an attempt to justify such abusive and nonsensical actions. I was quoted with a request deadline of July 25, 2024 as per UK law.
Then, in August 2024, after the legal deadline was breached by over a month already, I have sent a request asking for an update and received an email stating the following:
"We would like to apologise for the delay and assure you that we acknowledge that by not responding to your request within the statutory time frame outlined by the Data Protection Act 2018 we have breached your rights. This is never the intention of the MPS and we take the data rights of individuals very seriously."
After my official complaint, yet another issue supposedly taken "very seriously" by the MPS which was in fact NOT taken any seriously whatsoever. It seems like a reoccurring theme with them at this point!
After the frustration of not have received the lawfully requested documents grew bigger as many more months passed by, I have eventually sent the following email to the MPS:
“You know it’s truly pathetic it has been so many months already since I have requested to have the file documenting your full police abuse to show everyone the extend of the lies that have been told to justify a false arrest and the subsequent malicious investigation while ignoring the reality of what I have told you and the extent of the domestic and police abuse that you have caused to an innocent, disabled person.
And yet, after many months of waiting I still didn’t receive anything from you. Talking about your incompetence and/or attempt to hide the truth of what your conduct has caused. But don’t worry, I have well noticed that together with walking over my Human Rights by falsely arresting me (traumatizing me with an assault and kidnap, plus infringing on my traveling freedom by giving me a false arrest record for life) and starting a malicious investigation for malicious communications (instead of investigating my own motivated crime report against PC Bulmer) you have now also violated my Data Rights as well (without even mentioning any of the direct consequences of your abusive behavior, such as aiding and abetting domestic violence and almost murdering me twice due to how badly you ended up damaging my mental-wellbeing).
My only question is, how many Human Rights violations are you trying to accumulate here? Honestly, I have no issue to wait longer at this point if you need some more time for any additional misconduct and/or criminal behaviors against me to be registered. Just remember I won’t forget anything you have done so far (or will do) and I will make sure to take every and each violation to an international court as soon as possible.”
As of December 2024, no document has been provided yet.
Opposite to the British police who would keep false and malicious information on a database for years and potentially even give public access to the name of a falsely accused individual, I do care about privacy and truthfulness a great deal. As such, the following emails explain why I did not share any of the police officer names involved in this situation. Only exception for PC Bulmer due to the great extent of his inconsiderate and criminal behaviors for which he should at the very least be properly investigated by the police itself who shouldn’t keep excusing officers behaviors at all costs.
That said, as a public authority figure, I believe that sharing PC Bulmer’s name and badge number is adequate, proportionate and lawful in addressing communication and documents received by him. More so given that my statements truthfully refer to actual events and are therefore non-defamatory by nature.
“I have decided to keep PC [redacted] name out of my public report on your police abuse.
Reason being even though his actions were wrong and misguided, I don’t believe he actually had any personal malicious intent. It is clear to me now that this issue is not about a single police officer misbehaving but rather a UK wide law problem as MOPAC confirmed by agreeing that an abusive arrest under false allegations alone and no other real evidence of abuse (such as a witness, CCTV, any physical sign of violence whatsoever) is to be considered lawful and justified in your third world country and a voluntary interview is some kind of special treatment instead.
I want to be clear though this doesn’t change anything about the fact I was victim of police abuse and my story will still be made public and forwarded to the press as well. Nothing I have been victim of is even close to acceptable and indeed your actions still remain straight criminal where I am from. The only difference now is that I have further confirmation that leaving your country for good was absolutely the right decision for me to take as this isn’t a one off mistake but rather a clear institutional-level mess. I am genuinely sorry for anyone who is currently living in your country and doesn’t have the same ability to leave at will as me.
Furthermore, by researching more on the internet it is also quite evident that many others have been victim of and suffered from similar treatments and I am not the only one who experienced such awful and disgusting abuse. This is just truly saddening. All I can hope for at this point is that by publicly reporting my story it might possibly one day help towards changing the laws in your country as no one else should ever again have to go through the same life-changing abuse I have experienced or having their human rights violated like this.
That said, PC Charlie Bulmer’s name will still go public since he didn’t have any valid excuse for writing his own false and malicious statements on official papers after receiving both my complaint explanation and clear evidence of abuse from my ex. He was also given a chance to apologize but refused to do so despite the great amount of distress he caused.
I really, really hope some of you will one day understand what kind of abuse you are perpetrating on your own citizens. This is just utterly wrong. The fact that complete innocent people can have their life ruined at your whim while being abused and treated like criminals without end is absolutely disgusting. Now I also understand a little bit better how you could possibly also have an offense such as “malicious communications” in your country. Of course you are so used to walk over human rights there that having an additional “offense” such as this couldn’t bother you in the slightest, would it? Especially if it is also the so convenient case that you might as well just use it against anyone who dares to strongly oppose to your own abusive actions. Always a good idea to have extra laws to allow you to silence people at will whenever they try to speak out against your disgusting, unfair and life-ruining conduct, isn’t it? Just make sure to label them as criminals for wanting justice for being nonsensically abused so your clown circus can go on without impunity.
You are truly nothing short of a bunch of nazis.
Congratulations on you all again.”
Furthermore on PC Bulmer in particular:
“However, my messed up complaint remains PC Bulmer responsibility. Especially, the false and malicious statements in which he falsely accused me of being arrested for assaulting my ex partner in his summary, instead of properly state that it was either an allegation or false accusation. His wording clearly indicates that a crime was committed, however this is a lie and the very reason why I even complained to you to begin with, because you arrested me despite no crime was ever committed to begin with. Funny how MOPAC said that they believe PC Bulmer understood what my complaint was about when this fucking piece of shit lying asshole couldn’t even get his summary right and accused me once again of being arrested as if a crime ever happened when my while complaint was about that crime not happening and therefore your actions being unlawful!”
“I mean I LITERALLY sent a complaint asking why did you make my life a living hell with a traumatizing false arrest when no crime ever happened and your summary is that I was arrested for that said fictional crime as if it ever had happened. But yeah sure, PC Bulmer understood what my complaint was about. He fucking didn’t even understand the beginning of it!”
“I just wanted to point out yet another thing from PC Bulmer fucked up complaint summary:
He also put these two statements in his outcome letter:
Quote 1: “You state that the matter was a misunderstanding and your ex-partner signed a withdrawal statement. Having dealt with domestic incidents previously, in many cases the victim will withdraw their allegation because the suspect is a loved one or family member”
Quote 2: “I have made further checks on the police system and you have not reported the allegation other than through the correspondence during this complaint, despite me previously advising you how to report the matter. As such there is no police misconduct, because you have not made a report on the matter. As previously advised you would have to report the matter so we can make further enquiries and investigate your allegation.”
So let me understand this, if someone falsely accuse me of something that never happened, then admitting it was just a lie, it’s still somehow happened and I am a domestic abuser as per PC Bulmer’s introductory summary and the logic of quote 1. However, if I tell you what actually happens BY SHOWING YOU ACTUAL VIDEO EVIDENCE FOR IT, then no, it’s all my fault I have never formally reported it and I was never victim of anything as per quote 2. Not that the reasons for not reporting her were also further explained in the many emails sent to him in the course of my complaint…
He did hit his head very hard when he was a kid, didn’t he?”
Oh and if you believe the police never got into troubles for believing false allegations without questioning, there is another “little thing” from well over a decade ago… Operation Midland, does it sound familiar to any of you?
Once more, you believed someone’s false allegations and caused damage to innocent people treating them like criminals and damaging their lives.
Nice knowing absolutely nothing has changed when it comes to your relationship of blindly believing false allegations!
However, this is just one very well known example among many others. There are many more individual cases involving false allegations which can be easily found by a quick Google search online.
Furthermore, the UK government statistics on false allegations are also very false. Indeed, my false arrest would still have been considered to be the result of an actual crime to this day had I not been able to show actual abuse evidence from my false accuser. And even though so, the false crime record was eventually only deleted on the grounds of “no crime” alone, as far as I know. Therefore, even my well-documented case could still not be “officially” counted as relating to false accusations on government statistics. Shocking to say the least!
In addition to everything else said so far, I will now be briefly discussing and give a clear outline of a great number of further issues within the UK policing system as to show how broken it truly is and the level of hypocrisy reached.
In regard to the British police only acting at their own convenience, the following situation clearly shows how they also didn’t care when I told them that my ex was actually being abusive towards me:
After we had already broken up, my ex had the police called at my place one night claiming that I was going to commit suicide in order to harass me some more knowing how traumatized I was after being falsely arrested once before. Once again, her false statements were all the MPS cared about as they only cared to investigate the first word spoken yet again. They didn’t care about my allegations of assault towards my ex whatsoever and didn’t even bother to stick around long enough for my iPhone to recharge after I told them I had actual abuse evidence I wanted to shown them claiming that the reason for this was that they were simply “too busy on a Friday night”.
Just WOW! How convenient to only have the time to falsely arrest and ruin innocent peoples lives out of false accusations alone while also not giving a shit whatsoever to investigate an actual crime having been committed when receiving AN ALLEGATION OF REAL DOMESTIC ABUSE BACKED UP BY ACTUAL VIDEO EVIDENCE.
Really wondering how I ended up telling them to go to hell at the end!
Let's now talk about the clear two-tier police system in the UK by giving a number of examples for it. Quoting from a previously sent email:
"In addition to infringing Human Rights without any concern whatsoever you clearly only apply the law as it pleases you.
Falsely arresting me on false allegations of assault and no evidence? Check.
Being liable for actually assaulting me during the arrest as clearly recorded? Nope.
Starting a malicious investigation against me for expressing my Freedom of Speech rights after being once again falsely accused of the very same crimes that I was the actual victim of and you used as an excuse to nonsensically keep treating me as a criminal and abuse me over and over? Check.
Actually making PC Bulmer accountable for his own false and malicious statements in an official letter, especially given the video evidence of assault from my ex available to him, the nature of my complaint and the great amount of psychological pain and distress caused as a result? Nope.
Falsely arresting me on the false premise of “public safety”? Check.
Actually protecting me from the domestic violence I was victim of, instead of aiding and abetting it? Nope.
Excusing my ex saying “it is common for people involved in domestic situations to recall their statements”? Check.
Actually understand why as the victim of domestic abuse I had never formally reported my ex instead of blaming me for it, especially after seeing video evidence of real abuse? Nope.
Acting without any evidence whatsoever and on the only basis of straight up false arresting grounds (as previously explained)? Check.
Simply inviting me over for a voluntary interview to properly investigate the case without the need of traumatizing a disabled person and giving him a false and malicious arrest record for life? Nope.
Giving me a false arrest record for life despite being the only victim of both your own and my ex’s abuse? Check.
Actually investigating the criminals in this case? Nope.
You clearly have a two-tier police system going on there and only apply the law as per your own discretion!"
Funny to think that in the UK the police should "supposedly" act following the principle of “policing by consent”. For those who doesn’t know what that means, let me quote this short paragraph:
“Policing by consent can be traced back to the early 19th century in England. Prior to this period, law enforcement was often characterised by a lack of professionalism, corruption, and arbitrary use of power.”
And yet I was the victim of an arbitrary arrest carried out without any evidence whatsoever and while being the only one actually hurt at the scene. I was then arbitrarily assaulted by police officers due to my shocked reaction. I was treated very much unprofessionally throughout as a person with disabilities, both at the time of arrest and later detention. So either the UK went back in time to a couple of centuries ago or their principles are simple a farce and yet another one of their many lies struggling to hold up a broken police system. Because I can guarantee you that that police abuse I was victim of is absolutely nothing like “policing by consent” but rather “police-state policing”. I hardly believe that anyone with a sane mind would ever “consent” to any of the madness of the situation I was put in.
Public safety is clearly nothing but an excuse that the British Police uses to act irresponsibly, without ever facing any consequences for their abusive actions and the long-lasting damage caused to innocent people.
Clearly just another big lie here. It’s just a way for the British police to cover themselves up against any potential criticism showing everyone how good of a job they are doing by taking no chances and blindly believing any unsupported allegation - only ever at their own conveniency of course.
So where is the consideration for the other person instead? The one that did absolutely nothing wrong and was instead hurt and bleeding in front of you but didn’t manage to comment on a made up situation he knew nothing about as it never happened? Where did the presumption of innocence go? Since when the police can act not only without evidence but even against it?
So now assaulting, kidnapping, holding innocent people prisoner, traumatizing them for life, giving them a false and malicious arrest record for life, keep falsely referring to them as having committed an actual crime instead of being the victim of false allegations of said crime and so much more is all fair and square then?
Maybe it’s just me and my Swiss side speaking now but I would be horrified by the idea of living in a country in which the definition of “public safety” only actually applies until the moment someone is falsely accused of a crime and that it’s then “lawful and justified” to nonsensically abuse them afterwards.
In addition to that, where was the concern for public safely when I was the victim of domestic violence from my ex-partner as she threatened me to let her have her way or else have me falsely arrested again? Is the British police also going to pretend that they aren’t the ones who ultimately gave my ex the power of abusing me more, especially after they were the ones who already acted once without evidence and kept insisting that she was the victim instead?
Unfortunately, this is the exact result to be expected for a country like the UK in which the standards for arrest are literally nothing more than “someone said that” and no evidence or probable cause is needed to perpetually treat a perfectly innocent person as a criminal.
As you can clearly see from everything above, including some of the language used, I was very upset before. Now I am just truly sad any of this ever happened and how far I have to go to get any justice at all.
Ultimately, I am a law abiding citizen who was the victim of an arbitrary arrest in a foreign country merely because of an absolutely nonsensical police policy, not for committing an actual crime, without any real evidence-based suspicion (or probable cause) it could have ever happened at all. I was assaulted, kidnapped and held hostage without reason on the basis of false allegations alone and before any investigation had taken place whatsoever. This is not something I am or ever be willing to tolerate. The fact that the British police system is so broken to consider anything that had happened to me even remotely acceptable is truly disgusting and disgraceful. Nice knowing that in the UK “lawful and justified” has no meaning attached to it. This isn’t being tough on crime either. Abusing and silencing DV victims while letting false accusers and actual offenders face no consequences is only contributing to crimes, not fighting any.
That said, no matter how many malicious communications or other bullshit investigations the British police will initiate to try to scare me into silence, I will be dead before the day I let them off with this abuse. For my own sake and everyone else’s who was also victim of the same but never had the chance to speak up because they were told that if the people abusing you are wearing a badge then it’s not abuse. Well guess what, it still is.
As for my ex, should you ever be reading any of this… I told you I will keep you out of this as long as you don’t ever play victim again or interfere with this police case. I am doing this out of the love I once had for you and my own blame in putting said love and trust in the hands of the wrong person. I also believe you are so seriously sick in your mind to not even fully comprehend the severity of what you have contributed to. Otherwise, I will make sure to share your name and full abuse evidence online for everyone to see so that even if British police won’t care about ever doing any justice, someone else might.
Now referring to the MET/MPS directly. Having a badge doesn’t change or justify anything of what you have caused. You are just a bunch of life-ruining bullies and abusers who then cries out the moment someone calls you out for your own wrongful actions. You can use whatever fictional lie to motivate your abusive conduct and make me look bad as much as you want but I was there when my ex panicked due to my nose bleeding, you were not, so might as well drop the act of pretending to know what had really happened especially after everyone involved already told you what the situation really was.
You can be mad at me for my strong language but that’s exactly what you deserve after how I was treated by you. I didn’t just wake up one day and started to wish you to burn in hell out of nowhere. I didn’t commit any of the crimes you accused me of and no sane person would ever had blindly believed otherwise and acted the way you did given the circumstances. You are supposedly police, not an impressionable toddler. You are supposed to have some kind of accountability for your own actions. Blindly believing the sky is pink just because someone told you so on one occasion and never changing your mind no matter what everyone involved is telling you and the actual evidence available is simply the biggest idiocy I have ever seen. You ruined my life for it. So no, I won’t shut up until the day you apologize to me, no matter how much it will take. You are done with abusing disabled people at will.
You should also feel very ashamed of yourself for your continuous and blatant lying, such as falsely claiming that "Complaints are taken very seriously" by your organization. Indeed, you kept ignoring my voice, refusing to properly address my complaint against you, while also providing nonsensical or at times even straight up false statements in an attempt to justify your malicious and abusive actions as you pretty much even went as far as to blame me for not doing your own job! You kept treating me, the real victim of any domestic violence in this situation, as the criminal instead. You also refused to provide any meaningful apology for your life-ruining misconduct and the life-long suffering and trauma that you had caused an innocent and disabled person to suffer. As if being victim of domestic abuse wasn’t enough, you had to make me a victim of police abuse too.
As a domestic abuse victim I know very well how bad it can be so I am absolutely not saying that allegations of such crimes shouldn’t be investigated. However, investigating a crime isn’t the same as making up your mind about who is the “bad guy” from the get go and embarking in a journey to ruin someone’s life on a whim and the only ever basis of “someone said that” and your fucked up police policy of “guilty until proven innocent”. Listening to the “alleged victim” isn’t the same as blindly believing anything that comes out of their mouth and taking any statement unsupported by any evidence whatsoever as the absolute truth, as if people never lied to you before. That’s not how police work is done where I am from and for a reason, as my case clearly attests to. The fact that so far no one ever bothered to even mention the alternative approach to ask me to attend for an interview whatsoever, despite my explicit request to comment on it on several occasions, speaks volumes. Indeed, all you ever tried to do, MPS and MOPAC too, was to justify your wrongful arrest on the basis of necessities that didn’t exist, as per above. Given the circumstances there was absolutely no reason why you couldn’t have simply let me go home for the night and attend for an interview in the morning as back then I was more than willing to collaborate with you on this matter. Had you done so, most likely none of the evil resulted from your wrongful actions would ever had happened. As such you should be fully liable for everything that you have caused so far as a consequence of your actions, including my two suicide attempts. No one should have any doubts about this either; you are the ones who almost succeeded at murdering me. Those events weren’t some sort of unfortunate accidents but the direct consequence of the pain and abuse I had endured due to your broken police system.
You could have done so many other things as well which would have prevented the situation to escalate up to this point, such as deleting those false allegations and false arrest record from my name the moment my ex pretty much admitted to be made up and properly address my complaint apologizing for your wrongdoing. But no, you did nothing right. You abused me, both physically on that April night and then psychologically for years to come, first by keeping those lies on my names and treating me like a domestic abuser without reason, and then by starting a further malicious prosecution against me in a pathetic attempt to silence me and brainwash me into believing I am the bad guy here. Unfortunately for you, I come from a country in which people are still innocent until proven guilty and the police acts with both respect for this principle and the people themselves. That’s why Swiss police doesn’t need a made up freedom of speech violating offense to threaten people with sending them to prison for being “too offensive”. Respect is earned, not given just because of a badge, and you bunch of British bullies and abusers are sure to never get an ounce from me ever again. Maybe you should learn a thing or two on how to properly do your job and stop acting like a bunch of maniacs before people actually die because of you.
As for what comes next, I am going to take your organization to court, in the UK first if possible, but I also won’t shy about bringing this issue to the European Court of Human Rights, should it ever be needed. And If anyone wonders why it took me so long to do so is simply because I was previously told that in the UK an initial complaint should have been directed to the police itself before proceeding with filling any legal claims. I had also previously hoped to privately solve this matter by communicating with the MPS and without the need of going as far as to make my full abuse story public. That’s why I ultimately waited as long as getting a reply back from MOPAC, something which took almost 3 years of waiting since the beginning of the events I was victim of (April 2021 to March 2024). I always had to wait several months, at times even over a year, just to get from one official communication to the next. Sometimes I even wonder if this delay was somehow intended as some of my claims against the MPS would theoretically have a time limit under UK law, or if it is yet just another example of a system that simply doesn’t work or care at all about justice. Either way, I am not going to simply be yet another collateral victim of your broken witch-hunt nonsensical scheme.
I hope you know I won’t get silenced until the day I get justice for the way in which you nonsensically abused me and destroyed my life. Even though I appreciate you at least had the decency to eventually delete the false arrest record from the UK police national computer, clearing my police record of those lies, this was simply too little too late and it is absolutely not acceptable that the British police inability to work would give me a false and malicious police record in the first place. Indeed, why am I the one who is now forever left with the unnecessary burden of explaining to foreign immigration authorities how the British police in London could ever nonsensically act upon false information, without probable cause whatsoever, and “out of nothing more than their own convenience alone” despite being the only ever actual victim of any domestic violence and assault? This is just another form of long-lasting psychological torture perpetrated by the MPS as I will also never be able to fully move on and heal from what I had endured from my ex as well as long as I am expected to ever relive and comment on such heinous abuse ever again in my life. Even more so as the person who was wrongly treated as the perpetrator all along and had the very same people who were supposed to prevent those crimes from happening only ever adding to and facilitating such abuse, all the while writing down lies on official records in an attempt to justify such horrible acts.
In the end, it really doesn’t matter what the British police intentions might have been as the outcome clearly speaks for itself. I am a domestic violence and police abuse survivor and yet I am the only one here in my story who might never be able to live a normal and happy life again and might have to pay the forever price of other people’s abusive actions and criminal behaviors.
So once again, I hope there is a special place in hell for each and every single one of you, Metropolitan Abusers. Try to silence me now.
I would like to end this by adding the following: The false and abusive arrest I was victim of is nothing but the result of what happens when false allegations are blindly believed and coupled with a broken police system which treats innocent people and victims as criminals, blatantly walking over their Human Rights without any consideration. A system that ruins innocent people lives on the false claim of “public safety” while in reality only succeeding in aiding and abetting crimes such as domestic abuse. A system in which the first word spoken is taken as the absolute truth, no evidence is required to act (at their own convenience) and any subsequent request for an apology is completely ignored, even after receiving actual evidence showing what the situation was really like since the beginning. A system in which the biggest crime is to tell the people who nonsensically destroyed your life to go to hell. That’s my UK Police Abuse Story and the essence of the British Police system in a nutshell.
If you survived the long read, these are a few bonus articles relating to false accusations and/or police abuse you might also want to look at.
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